Thursday, December 31, 2009

Bunsen Helps Daddy

More snowzies! I helped Daddy by making yellow snow so he can clear it more easily. Then I get in front of Daddy to inspect his work. I like snowzy days.

After helping Daddy, I smelled where some dog peed. Smells a lot like me, actually. I like it.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Bunsen Gets Crackin'

I'm in a cool video with my bratty sister dogs!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Vote for Cat Video in the YouTube Contest!

Guess what. Rita entered the video about Sesame, the neighbor cat, on the Litter of Laughs Arm and Hammer Contest! If you like the video, please go on Sesame's Youtube page (click "YouTube" at the bottom right corner of the video above) and watch it there. Then the voting thumbs will come up to let you vote for it for the contest. You have watch the video on YouTube to see the voting thumbs.

Pretty cool, huh?

You don't even have to go on the Arm and Hammer YouTube page. But if you want to actually see the video on the contest's webpage, you can click "Arm and Hammer" in the video description box (on Sesame's YouTube page) where it says "Part of ArmandHammer" under embed. Then, go to "vote for" on that page and enter "dog" or "Sesame" into the search bar and press "go." You'll then see "Dog-Walking Cat" come up as one of the videos in the contest! Mommy helped Rita make that video. Daddy is one of the people Rita talks to as she walks that cat and Matilda.

I can't believe that cat has it's own video! (Stay tuned for MY Get Crackin' video. It's the best one ever.)

Sunday, November 15, 2009

New Gal-pal: Daisy

I met another neighbor-dogger. Daisy is kinda a tomboy-dog; she likes to run and hike and stuff. I realize I'm a lazy couch-potato dog when I'm around really buff fit-dogs like her. She keeps me on my toes, but even when I run really fast, I can't keep up with her. Oh well. I just gotta be me: slow-mo Bunsen. See my dream for more on that, if you know what I mean.

Daisy liked my Brick toy and was pretty good at it. Got the treats really fast. I like play-dates with neighbor-girl-doggers.

Monday, November 9, 2009

New Sleepies Configuration

We've figured out the best sleepies arrangement. Audrey falls off the top of the couch sometimes, though. Heh heh!

Shout out to Mommy's conference friends: Sara and Chloe. I want to go to Boston. I missed Mommy while she was she was playing with other doggers. Hmmph.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Trick for Treat?

Does this costume make me look fat? I kinda wanted the tutu, but I guess it was Audrey's costume. I like the taste of pumpkin--from the can. I didn't know it didn't come from a can--you know--to begin with. I felt really stupid when I found out...Audrey and Sophie laughed at me. I don't think Sophie's an angel. Everyone thinks she's so cute. Nope! She has a dark side. She's a bad seed. Yeah. Like watermelon seeds. You gotta spit her out. But there's seedless watermelon now. I like it. It costs more, though. I guess I'm seedless...heh heh. Got a few snip snips. Don't really know what that means.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Bunsen's Dream

Sometimes I have dreams...really good ones, too. I dream that I catch Frisbee--just like Audrey! And I play with Matilda, the neighbor dog. Daddy joins in the fun in my dreams. It's a beautiful vision. I wish I could do so many things. Audrey, my sister dog, is so smart and fast--and even though she's old, SHE can catch Frisbee. Hmmmph. I guess that's why I like dreaming--it's not reality, but better. I like sleepies.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Front Page Pooch

Yep! I'm a famous dog. I'll give you a paw-print autograph. I made the front page of the Philadelphia Inquirer. ...Sorta. Front page of the local news section...and...WHAT?! I can't believe it... it's not my good side. See? That's my back--I'm the dog. Here's my good side, though I look kinda sad:

Here's the online version of the same pic:

Go to:
to read the whole story. I'm diggin' Dog Days, yes siree! Too bad it's over. Got lots of treats! And this blog was mentioned in the article. I'm sure to get a lot of pen-pal dog babes.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Bunsen TAKES the Brick

The Dog Brick, the toy made by that Nina Ottosson lady, is the BEST. I love it. Watch me go. Yep. I'm one smart dog. I ROCK. Mommy and Daddy rock for getting me this toy. I LOVE the Brick. Bunsen + Brick = Smart. No, wait. I mean...I'm smart. I take the Brick.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Awkward Alert! My ex is in town...

I knew this was a mistake...moving to Pennsylvania. I mean, I'm torn: so many babes in my new neighborhood. YET...I run in the same circles as Chow Chow. Here she is at my house at a little gathering. Geesh! Can't a dog catch a bone--er--break? Mommy keeps pointing her out. YES, I see Chow Chow. I'm IGNORING CC. I don't want to talk to her. AWKWARD, people. We spent most of our time together looking out of the window; we really didn't want anything to do with each other. Eventually she went home.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Hottie Next Door: Matilda

Meetin' and greetin' the neighbor dog. Take a bow, Bunsen. Heh heh.

Another weekend: another babe. I'm lovin' the 'grove. Yep. Matilda is an Old English Sheepdog. What a frisky pup. Don't know if I like taller babes, though. She's a lot of woman.

This babe tires Bunsen out.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Another Selinsgrove Babe: Onyx

I met my neighbor Onyx. She's a Pit Bull who is really into me; just look. I dunno...there's something about her that drives me wild. I'm a crazy dog.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Playtime in the New Fenced Yard!

Yep. Josie and I are lovin' the yard. I like having play dates. So many babes! I'm, like, the only guy dog on this whole street. Life rocks!

Bunsen Meets Josie

OK, Selinsgrove might not be so bad. I just met this hottie poodle, Josie. That's what I'm talkin' about. She likes to romp and I'm lovin' it (see our NEW fence? YEP!). She's a lot bigger than Buttons. I might be in love.

Why Josie?
  1. She's a standard poodle. Look at her. One hot mamma. Purebreed puppy.
  2. I like her paw-paws.
  3. She likes to bark at me. I kind of like that.
  4. We play in my NEW a fence and it ROCKS.
  5. I can call her Jojo. I think. Haven't asked yet. Hope so.
  6. She lives in my neighborhood in Selinsgrove.
  7. She lives a couple of streets over--close but not too close.
  8. She's an older woman...but not as old as Chow.
  9. Her ears are fluffy. I can picture them flowing in the breeze of a convertible as we race down the road by the river on a sunny day. Gotta get me a convertible. And a driver.
  10. She's got lots of dogger friends--good social capital.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Bunsen misses Buttons

Pennsylvania stinks. I miss my girlfriend. Buttons. And I miss Maryland. I don't get it. Why couldn't Buttons come up here, too? I can't go on.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Bunsen Commits to a New Start

Okay, people. I've thought about it and I've decided to cooperate. It's going to have to work; I'll make it work. In this picture, you see me forcing a smile and helping with the unpacking. I mean, it's day-by-day for me; I don't know what's going to happen. I'm only three years old. I'm excited to be starting a new chapter of my life.

New Outlook on Life in Selinsgrove, PA?

Am I meant to be a Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania dog? How can this be? This is the only decent window in the whole house! How am I going to conduct Bunny Watch '09 from here?! And what about my guard duties against maruading bands of squirrels? My life stinks. It's over. I'm done.

What?!? We're moving WHERE?

Great. Turns out we're moving to Pennsylvania. What the fudgesicle!?! That's my ex's state. And there's NO air conditioning in our new house. Come on, people. It's July. Are you SERIOUS? Here I am with some boxes, trying to prevent my people from moving them into the house. THIS SUCKS. I don't want to set foot in Pennsylvania, let alone LIVE in it. What gives? And what will happen to Buttons and me? My life is OVER.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Time with the Fam.

Yep. Sister dogs are lovin' it. Daddy's lovin' it. We rock Vermont.

Bunsen's Luxury Suite

I stayed at the Phineas Swann in Vermont. Yep, still talkin' about Vermont. I missed Buttons, though. Got a free bone. Score!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Bunsen at Church

I can't believe it--I had to go to church. I mean, at first, I felt I was forced to go and I resented it. But then I realized I had some things...some personal stuff I had to deal with and it was time. So the girls and I sat right up front and center--at the Dog Chapel in St. Johnsbury, Vermont. (Yup. STILL in Vermont. HEH!) I felt really good in there. At peace. I came out of there with a new leash on life, as you can see below. We walked by the dogs walking their human statues. It was a life changing experience. I hope we go there again and again. Dog Chapel ROCKS. I really don't have a problem with going to church anymore.

Bunsen vacations in Vermont.

I've been gone for a while. But now I'm refreshed and rarin' to go. I took the family to Vermont for a vacation and it was rockin'! Here I survey the area on a trail near Montgomery Center. Yup. That's really me. In Vermont. Stuff it, CC! I'm in VERMONT, for chow sake. I got to do some hunting in this old hunting blind--see below. Yep. Hunting for b--ches, that is. HEH HEH. No, but seriously, we looked and looked for moose (to shoot some digital frames, if you catch my meaning), but THERE ARE NO MOOSE IN VERMONT. By the way, it's official: BUNSEN HATES MOOSE. They almost wrecked the whole deal in Vermont. But I got over it. I enjoyed the beautiful country up there (but it was a stinky place--geez, cows, get a life!).

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Gloomy Bunsen

What's with this town? Rainy day followed by gloomy day followed by rainy day. I think I have SADD. That's Seasonal Affective Dog Disorder. I'm really down, man. Can't shake it. Here's another picture (above) that weirds me out. Is the Jefferson Memorial really that tiny? Strange. It doesn't smell like anything. Hey, what's with those people in those boats in the below pic? Don't they know it's gonna rain? I wonder if I could pedal-boat. I don't think my paw-paws could reach the pedals. Bummer.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Too Many Chaperones!

I went on a date with Buttons this weekend. But we weren't alone. It seems everyone had to tag along--guardians, sister dogs, neighbors. There were too many chaperones. But Buttons loves the paparazzi as she shows in this video. What's with that?

See? My sister Audrey plays chaperone by squeezing between us in the above photo. She's a brat. I mean, COME ON. Buttons and I are on a DATE, for pity's sake. Thankfully, Audrey soon finds something to sniff on the road and leaves us alone for the moment:

Friday, April 10, 2009

My New Main Squeeze, Buttons

Yep. I've found true love. Again. Why Buttons?
  1. Buttons lives in my neighborhood. We can go walkies together.
  2. She's cute and compact.
  3. She's a babe. Just look at her.
  4. She's a younger woman. No more of this old dog stuff...CC was too old for me.
  5. She likes to get frisky. We can play around. Especially on walks.
  6. She doesn't like sleepies as much as CC.
  7. I like her long, flowing blond hair.
  8. She trusts me. Look at the way she grabbed my paw. I like doggers who hold paws.
  9. She is discrete. She won't blab around to the neighbordogs about me.
  10. Her guardian, Jean, gives me treat-treats.

See, she reached for my paw. Awwwwhhhhh.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Bunsen Considers Blossoms

I guess this is cool. Can we go now?

Cherry Blossom Bunsen!

Here's Daddy and me down at the Tidal Basin. Get the picture already! Let's go. Geesh!! I like cherry blossoms about as much as anydog. I mean, they're pretty and all, but what's with these crowds down here? And do they really need all of those port-a-potties? Yeech. They really stink up the picture, if you know what I mean.

A dog can't sniff in peace! I was mobbed by little kids everywhere I went. Everyone wants to pet the nice doggie. Give me some room, people! D.C. is crazy--people, people, people. I was glad to get back to Gaithersburg, the suburb of freedom.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


CC and I broke up. Here, I skulk away after telling her that I must let her go because I am in love with another bit--, er, dog. Actually, there was no other dog, but I just needed to get the heck out of there, if you know what I mean. CC isn't the dog she pretended to be when we first met. She's much more aloof than I first thought. And I like sleepies, but not THAT much of sleepies. She sleeps, like, 23 hours a day. That's out of 24 hours, I think. B-O-R-I-N-G. It's true. CC = Boring. Yep. Just came up with that. Anyway, I hope I never cross paths with her again. NO MORE PENNSYLVANIA. I never want to enter that state again.

Journalism Rocks!

We saw this strange monument to Civil War journalists in Maryland. Mommy likes journalism. Hmm. Why is Daddy so small? I'm weirded out by this picture, man.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Bunsen's Bad Blind Date

What a crazy week.  First, Mommy and Daddy tell me I might be getting a new playmate.  Then, I'm taken to some backwoods place I've never been and the flashbacks start all over again from back when my first people dumped me on the side of a dirt road in Colorado.

Turns out, I wasn't being dumped but I was on a blind date.  Mommy and Daddy were going to adopt this mean dogger who doesn't even like Bunsens!  I even tried to do a play bow, but she wasn't liking it.  NOT.  ONE.  BIT.  No siree.
Our introduction.  I try to make nice.

I don't think that's a play bow.

Mommy and Daddy came to their senses and took me home.  I mean, I was a perfect gentleman, but look!  She was mean!

They told me she's had a hard life and I should keep her identity private, so I won't publish it here on my blog.  But, boy, I hope Mommy and Daddy appreciate me now!  I'm a mellow dogger and I ROCK!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Bunsen Blogs!

I type fast! See, I write my own blog. ALL by myself. Yes siree. It was hard to learn with my big paw paws. But I have a lot of feelings and stuff. Gotta get 'em off my chest. My shrink says blogging is good for me. She costs me about 25 biscuits and change per half hour. I just hope that this blog doesn't hurt me in a job interview--like that binge drinking pic. I might have to delete that one.

Action Bunsen

I like to walk with Ball ball. Here's an action shot on one of our daily walks. I can't leave behind my Ball ball!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Trail Bunsen

I'm a trail Dogger! I know how to hike the really rugged trails. Here, I walk my human named Todd and he walks my sister dog, bratty Audrey, last Sunday. We went to this portion of the Appalachian Trail in Maryland somewhere. It was snowy. Snow rocks! I miss CC, though. That's another reason I love CC--she lives in snowy State College, Penn.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

My new girlfriend: "CC." Why? (One reason: LOOK at how good we are together)

  1. She's hot. A bit old, but experienced. One hot Chow.

  2. She lives out of town, so I can play the field at home....the dog park, that is.

  3. She's aloof. Not too cutesy touch-feely all the time. Like it.

  4. She hates my sister dogs and will attack. And she makes them bleed.

  5. She's an only dog. No bothersome sibling dogs.
  6. She's an heiress dog; probably got a big bundle of bones coming her way.
  7. She's so frisky she has to be leashed at all times. Ohhh yeah.
  8. Her bark turns me on.
  9. We're both fixed. Ohhhhh yeah (double up).
  10. One purple tongue. Need I say more?

Friday, January 30, 2009

After a drinking binge...

It was a hard night. Sophie, my sister dog, and I got sloshed tonight. Had a bit too much to drink. So did Daddy. No, wait. Dadddy and Mommy don't drink. Booze, anyway. We all drink water, though. This family is B-O-R-I-N-G. Man, I got stuck with 'em. Sophie takes up too much room in the bed. Mommy thought it would be funny to take a picture of me sleeping on my back. I was too hammered to notice.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Pictures from New Media Class!

Class: Here are pics from today's class (January 21, 2011). Feel free to use them in your blog. Right mouse button click and save as a picture (JPG) to your desktop. Then upload the pic into your blog.