I watched the inauguration of Barack Obama on January 20, 2009. A pretty historic occasion. I say the Obamas should get a shelter dog like Bunsen. We rock the house! I watched the swearing in and then had to go sleepies next to my sister Audrey. I finally learned her name, but who cares? I'm Bunsen. I'm the BIG DOG here.

that picture of bunsen reminds me of a picture i posted on my blog on sept. 23, 2007. my friend took a picture of her dog with my blog in the background so it looks like the dog is reading it! here is the picture http://bp2.blogger.com/_odNTSfLkmK8/RvceY3zya-I/AAAAAAAAAfc/g9mSYZffmaU/s1600-h/lindseys+dog.jpg
ReplyDeleteObama should get the girls are dog like Bunsen!! Maybe two of them, one for each :)
ReplyDeleteSee even dogs like Obama . . . its a sign.