Friday, November 27, 2009

Vote for Cat Video in the YouTube Contest!

Guess what. Rita entered the video about Sesame, the neighbor cat, on the Litter of Laughs Arm and Hammer Contest! If you like the video, please go on Sesame's Youtube page (click "YouTube" at the bottom right corner of the video above) and watch it there. Then the voting thumbs will come up to let you vote for it for the contest. You have watch the video on YouTube to see the voting thumbs.

Pretty cool, huh?

You don't even have to go on the Arm and Hammer YouTube page. But if you want to actually see the video on the contest's webpage, you can click "Arm and Hammer" in the video description box (on Sesame's YouTube page) where it says "Part of ArmandHammer" under embed. Then, go to "vote for" on that page and enter "dog" or "Sesame" into the search bar and press "go." You'll then see "Dog-Walking Cat" come up as one of the videos in the contest! Mommy helped Rita make that video. Daddy is one of the people Rita talks to as she walks that cat and Matilda.

I can't believe that cat has it's own video! (Stay tuned for MY Get Crackin' video. It's the best one ever.)

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